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19 Pieces of Advice for College Graduates

Are you looking for advice for college graduates? Whether you’re the college graduate looking for advice before you begin your next journey or you want to impart advice to a college graduate, here are some pieces of advice you can pull from.

  1. Stay Curious. The end of college doesn’t mean the end of learning. Read books and have educational experiences throughout your life.

  2. Invest Early. Even if it’s not much right away, take advantage of your 401k and extra investing.

  3. Treat Everyone with Respect. You’ll have more joy and peace and empower other people.

  4. Be Flexible. You’ll learn new things about yourself after college. Your professional, location, and hobbies might change. That’s okay!

  5. Travel. If you have the means, take time to travel before too many added responsibilities that tend to come with age.

  6. Enjoy Each Season. Don’t let “hustle culture” rob you of your joy. Enjoy each season of young adulthood. Don’t rush.

  7. Remember, Someone You Know Today Could be in a Completely Different Position Tomorrow. Again, treat everyone with respect. If you’re in a corporate role, reorganization happens often. Your coworker today could be your boss later. Or, the person you met at book club could be a future mom at your child’s school. Be consistently kind because it’s the right thing to do. Plus, you never know where life will lead.

  8. Know when to Put Something in Writing. Getting work done on your home, being asked to do something sketch at work, scores from your recreational sports league… It never hurts to confirm something in writing so there is a paper trail if the need to show it arises. Protect yourself.

  9. Build a Support System. You don’t have to do everything by yourself. Remember to lean on others. It’s okay to ask for help.

  10. Celebrate Your Achievements. (not just “big” things like a wedding) Shrugging off wins because “It’s not that big of a deal” is harmful. It robs us of joy and sweet reminders that triumphs are built, not overnight successes. Read more about learning to celebrate here.

  11. Stay Active. If your job involves sitting at a desk, be extra sure to integrate movement into your routine. Game changer for your mental and physical wellbeing!

  12. Learn About Your Community and Get Involved. When you leave your college community, it can be easy to feel alone. Invest in the local community quickly, even if it feels awkward at first.

  13. Write a Life Vision Statement. This statement will help you make decisions. if you say yes too much, you actually detract from your life goals. Don’t people please. Identify your vision and pin your goals and tasks to that. Learn how to write a life vision statement.

  14. Take Risks but Be Wise. It’s a fine balance. Lean on your support system and your values but don’t be afraid to step out of the box with how you thought life should go.

  15. Name and Know Your Values. Who do you want to be? Think about who you want to be, not just what you want to do. Choose your values over your goals when the two are in conflict. You’ll have more peace. Learn more about this concept here.

  16. Be Present. Every moment doesn’t need to be captured on camera.

  17. Fun isn’t Over. Every phase of life can be an adventure. Turning a certain age or reaching a certain milestone doesn’t bring the elimination of fun.

  18. Be Optimistic, Not Fake. Optimism doesn’t mean ignoring challenges, but it’s a key ingredient for growth. Learn more about optimism in the middle of life’s challenges in Chasing the Bright Side.

  19. Reply to Emails and Return Phone Calls. Ghosting people usually isn’t beneficial. Simply being fairly responsive will help you stand out and receive more opportunities you might be open to.