Fall Content Pursuit Tips

In the South, we’re still wiping off beads of sweat with pumpkin spice lattes in hand. Perhaps, just perhaps, we can summon the cooler weather with our active participation in the season’s activities. It never works.

But, even with the early release of pumpkin and apple-flavored goods on store shelves, it never seems like there’s enough time to do all the fall activities every season.

  • Apple orchard visits

  • Pumpkin picking and carving

  • Fall fair moseying 

  • Costume party gathering

  • Friendsgiving dinner

  • Corn maze wandering

  • Mountain weekend trip

  • Football games

  • Outdoor concert

… You get the picture.

The fall activities list creates a calendar bulge that rivals December festivities.

Fall is a beautiful season with its cozy vibes, crisp weather, and colorful scenery. But, with so many options of fun festivities, it can sweep us into a pile of rushed to dos while we miss taking in the season. If you get a sense of calm from each and every fall activity, by all means, apple spice up your calendar! But, if you feel a little off balance by all the possibilities, take a sip of these fall Content Pursuit tips.

Don’t Do Everything Every Year.

When traditions feel more like pressure than pleasure, it’s time to reassess. At the beginning of the fall season, as much as possible, try to outline the non-negotiables for your participation. These are the few things you absolutely don’t want to miss out on that you know will really help you take in the season. Commit to those activities. Know your limit and feel the freedom to say “no” to activities that are fun, yes, but don’t allow you room for margin and time to take in the moment.

Enjoy the Margin.

If your schedule is overloaded with activities, there’s little or no room for spontaneity. I love a good balance of scheduled and spontaneous. With the margin in your schedule, you have time for activities that can take place anytime such as fall baking, spooky movie marathons, or backyard bonfires. You can always create your own fall fun in the moment, and a little spontaneity helps you feel like you're in control, not the calendar.

Take in the Sights, Sounds, and Smells.

Tapping into our senses grounds us in the moment. Fully enjoying the season of fall is no different. You can do things such as light fall candles, play a folk playlist or fall movie playlist, go for frequent walks and take notice of the changing weather and foliage, and decorate your house. And, when you’re participating in fall activities like the ones listed above, use all your senses to notice and name the things you’re grateful for.

To Sum it Up…

Fall is a season full of activities. As always when it comes to living with a content pursuit, be purposeful in choosing the activities you want to pursue and active in finding contentment along the way. The number of social media posts isn’t a reflection on how fun your fall was. You can say “no” to some activities and still have a good time, choose to block out margin to enjoy spontaneous fall activities, and take in the sights, sounds, and smells of fall to help ground you in the moment.


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