Reach goals.

What’s the balance between aiming for excellence and living contently?

A Content Pursuit unpacks these ideas.

Contentment isn’t something we can simply turn on and off. It’s not something we just do. Contentment takes active perspective work while complacency says “I’m good. Let’s chill here.”

Find Blog Articles About:

  • Goal Setting

  • Contentment

  • Intentional Living

Don’t mind the smudges along the way.

A Content Pursuit was dreamed up many iPhone generations ago on a 2,000 mile road trip. But, like many things, distractions and doubts got in the way of taking action to share beyond journal pages and coffee conversations. Welcome to this space where we pursue goals and live with contentment!

  • Living Well in Your Life Season

  • Practical Tips for Common Goals

  • Personal Development

  • Professional Advice

  • Simplistic Living

  • Gratitude

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